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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureiamMINT


Here are some photos that I can share with you guys that shows some of my views about politics.

To many – perhaps more today than in previous generations – 'politics' is a dirty word. Yet politics permeates our social lives on the most personal level as well as more generally. And politics' twin sibling is power; specifically, it's exercise and pursuit. Perhaps the thing that most upsets many of us about ' politics ' is what we perceive as the naked or covert use of power for personal improvement. But there is a complication there. As much as we tend to assume that unbalanced power is a bad thing, the reality is that the stability of human societies through history and around the globe rests on just such imbalances. And in the exercise of that power, personal interest occupies an uncomfortable yet always central motivator. In some ways, it is difficult to conceive of power in terms other than in some unbalanced sense. After all, if one person can force someone else to do something, that is an imbalance. There would be no compulsion if the compelled person did not accept the other's authority. Which highlights the difficult balance that we must try to find as human societies if we are to balance some sense of social justice with the kind of systemic efficacy that we must aspire to if our states are to be run with reasonable efficiency.

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