Here are some photos that I can share with you guys that shows how I connect with our nature.
In my experiences, nature cannot be so simply defined. Nature is not distant from us. It is not other. It is not matter alone, but matter as desire. Nature is the embodied desire to connect. It’s a very cyclical cycle. Everything that humans have done to the environment in the past is coming back around. It’s almost that the environment and society can’t really coexist in this day in age. Learning about nature and our earth, to make a personal connection, must be through involvement in something over time. For me, learning about nature or anything requires us to have first-hand experience. The key in my mind to connect myself to purposeful learning and appreciate all the things around us. Furthermore, we need nature not only for our ecosystem but also for the progress of humanity. Nature is what inspires us. It is what helps us to grow. As long as we walk, we get inspired, healed, relaxed and therefore grow.